
All posts by Henk du Plessis



Human Memory: Types and Ways of Memorising

Memory is the retention of information over time. Although the word memory may conjure up an image of a singular, “all-or-none” process, it is clear that there are actually many types of memory, each of which may be somewhat independent of the others.

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Cognitive Skills for Successful Learning

The word “cognition” is defined as “the act or process of knowing.” Cognitive skills, therefore, refer to those skills that make it possible for us to know. These cognitive skills are the most important.

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10 Steps to Writing a Good Research Paper

To write a good research paper, you must be specific about your topic, know what you want to say, and say it effectively. Following these ten steps will help you write a good research paper.

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Brain Teasers: Count the Squares and Triangles

A brain teaser is a type of riddle that makes one think outside the box. Some brain teasers are easy, some are a little harder, and some can make you ponder for a while. When you finally hear the answer, you often feel ignorant or silly because it should have been obvious to you. However, brain teasers are fun for young and old.

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What to Do When You Can’t Remember

What do you do when you can’t remember a word? It’s right on the tip of your tongue but you can’t quite recall it no matter how hard you try. This can be a frustrating experience for anyone, particularly if you’re talking to someone important and need to convey important information.

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Gratis Afrikaanse Begripstoetse vir Laerskool-leerders

Leerders sukkel dikwels om begripstoetse te beantwoord omdat hulle nie genoeg woordeskat het om die konteks te verstaan nie. Hulle mag ook sukkel as gevolg van 'n leesprobleem, sowel as 'n swak werkende geheue of 'n probleem met logiese denke. 'n Gebrek aan oefening kan natuurlik ook lei tot of bydra tot lae punte.

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Pret met Papierpoppe

Papierpoppe is so oud as wat papier is, miskien honderde jare of selfs duisende jare, as sommige skattings waar is. Die grootste Amerikaanse vervaardiger van papierpoppe, McLoughlin Brothers, is gestig in die vroeë 1800’s en is in 1920 verkoop aan Milton Bradley... Klik op die papierpoppe van jou keuse en druk vir ure se kreatiewe spel!

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10 Logical Thinking Quizzes and Answers

Here are ten logical thinking quizzes with answers to guarantee some quality familiy fun! Teaching your kids to think logically is important as it encouages them to think for themselves, to question hypotheses, to develop alternative hypotheses, and to test those hypotheses against known facts.

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Vra vir Susan: Roetine, Roetine, Roetine

Hulle is nou 6 jaar oud en in Graad 1 en dit word nou ’n nóg groter probleem, want soggens moet hulle 07:15 in die kar wees anders is hulle laat vir skool. My middae is ’n nagmerrie en teen vroegaand is ek uitgemergel. Wat doen ek om hierdie twee in ’n roetine te kry sodat dinge normaal kan verloop?

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Watch! Edublox Dubai (Video in Arabic)

The Edublox Dubai clinic is situated in the cosmopolitan Jumeirah Lake Towers district of Dubai. Former English teacher and franchisee of the Dubai clinic, Majd Atassi noticed a gap in the market for educational intervention programmes...

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