
All posts by Susan du Plessis



Sewe Tipes Geheue Is Onontbeerlik in die Leesproses

Die mens se vermoë om te kan onthou, of uit die geheue te herroep, maak leer moontlik. Alhoewel die woord ‘geheue’ ’n “alles-of-niks”-proses veronderstel, is dit duidelik dat daar verskillende tipes geheue is, elk tot ’n mate onafhanklik van die ander. Sewe tipes geheue speel 'n onontbeerlike rol in die leesproses.

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Edublox Explained in a Nutshell

Learning is like building a house. The first step is to lay a foundation. Unless there is a strong and solid foundation, cracks will soon appear in the walls, and with no foundation, the walls will collapse. In the same way one needs to lay a proper foundation before it becomes possible for a child to benefit from a course in reading, writing and arithmetic...

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What Is Dysphonetic Dyslexia?

Children whose reading difficulties relate to auditory-processing weaknesses have been called auditory dyslexics or dysphonetic dyslexics. They tend to have good visual processing skills, but have difficulty remembering letter sounds, analysing the individual sounds in words, and blending sounds into words.

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Visuele Diskriminasie: Wat Dit Is en Hoe Om Probleme te Oorkom

Visuele diskriminasie is die vermoë om ooreenkomste en verskille tussen visuele stimuli te onderskei of raak te sien. As ‘n kind oor onvoldoende visuele diskriminasie beskik, sal hy heel waarskynlik die volgende skolastiese simptome openbaar...

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Video: Building Your Child’s “House of Learning”

Imagine building a house. There are walls and windows, a roof and a front door. But without a strong foundation, the entire structure can collapse. At Edublox, we like to compare the learning process to that of building a house...

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Leer Afrikaans: Persoonsname (120+ Voorbeelde Ingesluit)

'n Persoonsnaam is 'n afgeleide selfstandige naamwoord wat 'n persoon aandui, bv. werker, kunstenaar, Parysenaar, Paarliet, ens. Hier volg 'n lys persoonsname, van a tot z.

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What Is Cognitive Development?

Cognitive development focuses on how children learn and process information. It is the development of the thinking and organising systems of the mind. It involves language, mental imagery, thinking, reasoning, problem solving, and memory development.

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20 Feite Wat Jy Moet Weet Oor Disleksie

Om letters om te ruil, die volgorde van letters in 'n woord te vergeet of om soms van regs na links te lees – disleksie kan 'n frustrerende, en vir baie lyers vernederende uitdaging in ons wêreld van tegnologies gevorderde kommunikasie wees.

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Webinaar: Om Kinders te Leer Lees IS Vuurpylwetenskap

Die Afrikaanse Grondslagfasevereniging het, in samewerking met Edublox, op Donderdag, 23 April 2020 'n webinaar aangebied vir grondslagfase juffrouens. Die onderwerp was die leerbeginsels wat leer lees onderlê, en 'n leesprogram is voorgestel wat nie net op van hierdie beginsels gebaseer is nie, maar ook belyn is met die KABV (CAPS) se vereistes.

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Learning Difficulties Due to Poor Connectivity, not Specific Brain Regions

Different learning difficulties do not correspond to specific regions of the brain, as previously thought, say researchers at the University of Cambridge. Instead, poor connectivity between 'hubs' within the brain is much more strongly related to children's difficulties.

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