Edublox Overview and Kids’ Feedback
Edublox is a system of cognitive exercises, aimed at developing and automatising the foundational skills of reading, spelling, writing, mathematics and the skills required in the learning of subjects such as History...
Read MoreEdublox Research Study: Better Concentration in Five Days
Results of the study show an improvement in concentration, or on focused attention, in just five days. Focused attention is the ability to selectively concentrate on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things. People with attention problems such as ADHD are known for their inability to filter out distractions and focus on one thing only.
Read MoreBeter Konsentrasie Na Net 5 Dae — Suid-Afrikaanse Navorsing In Singapoer
Die resultate van die studie toon verbeterde konsentrasie, of anders gestel, verbeterde gefokusde aandag, na net vyf dae. Gefokusde aandag is die vermoë om op een ding te konsentreer en alle ander dinge wat jou aandag kan aflei, te ignoreer. Mense met aandaggebreksindroom is bekend daarvoor dat hulle sukkel om op een ding op ‘n slag te fokus.
Read MoreResearch Study: Edublox Improves Processing Speed of ADHD and Dyslexic Students
Educational specialist Dr Lee DeLorge in Ohio tested the effect of an Edublox program on processing speed. Sixty-seven students aged 5 to 18 with ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia and non-specific learning disabilities participated in her study. Ninety-four percent of the learners improved significantly. Results were as follows...
Read MoreEdublox Reading, Maths and Learning Clinic in Polokwane
Lizani Muller taught Grade 1's and 3's for 5 years before becoming self-employed and presenting Audiblox classes for 3 years. She was overjoyed when she found a product that works and a way of helping children and parents overcome the stigma of learning disabilities.
Read MoreEdublox Research Study: Improving Visual Memory and Visual Sequential Memory
The mean Visual Memory Skills Test POST score across both groups was significantly higher than the mean Visual Memory Skills Test PRE score. The mean score across both groups improved from 6.2 years to 7.5 years (i.e. 1.3 years after 22.5 hours of training).
Read MoreEdublox Reading, Maths and Learning Clinic in Phalaborwa
The Edublox franchise in Phalaborwa is run jointly by Gené and her mother Karen, a school teacher with more than 20 years’ experience. Gené was looking for a business opportunity after concluding her studies in counselling and psychology at the Potchefstroom University...
Read MoreStudies Show Edublox Increases IQ Scores
The group who did Edublox were tutored simultaneously for 27.5 hours between April and August of that year, and showed an increase of 11.625 in non-verbal IQ scores, from an average of 101.125 to an average of 112.75. The group who did not receive cognitive training showed an increase of 4.625, from an average of 104.25 to an average of 108.875.
Read MoreEdublox Lees-, Wiskunde en Leerkliniek in Vereeniging
Die Edublox-kliniek in Vereeniging staan onder beheer van Marietha Mare, 'n kranige sportvrou en bibliotekaresse wat besorgd geraak het omdat kinders algaande minder lees. Met verdere ondersoek het sy ontdek dat die kinders nie lèès nie omdat hulle nie kàn nie. Lees is moeilik, aldus lees hulle nie. Marietha het besluit om iets aan die saak te doen.
Read MoreEdublox Reading, Maths and Learning Clinic in Pretoria East
After achieving a BD degree and an Honours degree in Psychology, Susan du Plessis started working on developing tools to help children improve their cognitive abilities. A keen writer, Susan is the author and co-author of five books on learning and learning difficulties...
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