
Edublox in the Press



TV Documentary, Carte Blanche: Dyslexia and ADHD

Despite having an average intellectual ability and after many years of therapy, Michal was still completely illiterate at the age of 13. He was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder and severe dyslexia. But then Michal attended a 10-day course. View his remarkable progress...

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TV Documentary, Agenda: Getting It Right

The story of Sonja, who soon after birth contracted meningitis and encephalitis, causing severe brain damage. Doctors said she would never read nor write. That was until her parents heard about Audiblox, and Sonja learned to read in 60 days.

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Leerprogram Verander Duisende se Lewens

'N LEERPROGRAM wat deur 'n opvoedkundige van Pretoria ontwerp is, het sedert sy ontstaan in die jare tagtig die lewens van derduisende kinders en volwassenes wêreldwyd verander...

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Disabled (10) Learns to Read and Write in 60 Days

“Mom, why can't I read?” Sonja Conradie (10) wanted to know after hearing her younger sister, Marna (9), read and seeing her write. Sonja, who suffered brain damage after contracting meningitis and encephalitis as a baby...

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Gestremde (10) Leer Binne 60 Dae Lees, Skryf

''MAMMA, hoekom kan ek nie lees nie?'' wou Sonja Conradie (10) weet nadat sy haar jonger sussie, Marna (9), hoor lees en sien skryf het. Sonja, wat breinskade opgedoen het toe sy as baba breinvliesontsteking gehad het, kon nie verstaan waarom haar jonger sussie dit kon regkry en sy nie.

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Kit Helps Children to Learn

When a teacher identified a reading inability in one of Jo Cohn's children, Jo had his psychometric skills tested, bought an Audiblox kit and kindly agreed to share what she has learnt with La Femme readers in the hope that those with similar problems will benefit.

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Dyslexia — Article in New Horizons

When in the fifties, the term “dyslexia” came to be widely used to describe normal children who had learning disabilities akin to those who suffered brain damage, it was seized on with relief by parents and teachers alike. The idea that it was only a matter of time before its cause could be isolated and a fix-it drug developed, seemed soothingly feasible.

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Dyslexia: Beating the Back-to-Front Battle

Reversing words, writing letters back to front, not being able to remember the sequence of letters in a word or sometimes reading from right to left — dyslexia is a frustrating and often embarrassing problem in our world of high-tech communications. But in the midst of differing theories of what it is, what causes it and how to overcome it, one man has a different opinion.

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Sentrum Maak Deurbraak met Leesprobleme. Kursus Bring Groot Verbetering

TWEE weke in die Julie-vakansie het 'n groot verskil gemaak in die lewe van Gerhard Niemand (10) van Pretoria. 'n Blitskursus vir kinders met leesprobleme wat hy in dié tyd bygewoon het, het sy leesvaardigheid van gr. 1-vlak tot st. 5-vlak opgeskuif. Daarby het sy leesbegrip ook met 20 persent verbeter.

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Dyslexia: New Treatment, New Hope

Why many intelligent children should suffer seeming 'word blindness' has baffled and frustrated parents and professionals in many fields throughout this century. Is there, at last, some light at the end of the tunnel? HILARY BASSETT investigates.

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