
Overall Improvement in His Marks Commendable

Dylan holds the records for all the exercises on the computer and in the Edublox group class.

Why Dylan enrolled at Edublox

Looking to the future of Afrikaans schools we decided to move Dylan from an Afrikaans school to an English school after the July holidays in 2016.

In doing so we accepted that there would be a decline in Dylan’s marks as well as some additional challenges that he would have to face in terms of the language barrier.

Dylan struggled to construct full sentences, and battled tremendously with reading and writing, especially spelling easy words.


Dylan has improved to the extent that he is no longer afraid to write essays on topics that he is interested in and the freedom in which he does these tasks is noticeable.

The overall improvement in his marks are commendable as pointed out by his teacher in term 3 of this year. Not only has his language skills improved but his overall comprehension of all his other subjects have improved.

The position held by Dylan in his peer group was no. 43 of 117 learners (Term 3, 2016).

His position improved to no. 21 of 117 learners (Term 3, 2017).

Christel Kuhn

Dylan’s 2017 report:

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Christel Kuhn Dylan's mother

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