



Kind Boul Vir Juffrou Uit

‘n Maand terug het sy juffrou nog gesê ons sal hom moet terughou, maar laasweek Dinsdag het sy my gevra om haar gou na skool te kom sien. Sy het gesê sy kon nie wag om my die goeie nuus mee te deel nie. Hy is ge-evalueer Dinsdag met sy lees en klanke en hy het al sy klanke geken behalwe eu en uu, en hy het vlot gelees... Juffrou se woorde was, “jou kind boul my uit”.

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Mostly 7’s on His Report

He failed Grade 2... To my surprise, ever since he enrolled at Edublox, he has been getting awards each term. From the first quarter his ratings were mostly 7’s. He also received an award for hard work and determination. I have not received any complaints this year.

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Her Average Progressed from Level 2 to Level 6

Siphesihle is currently in Grade 5, and I can proudly say she is doing great -- her future is so bright. Her academic average progressed from level 2 to level 6. We even recommend Edublox to one of our colleagues.

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A Confident Girl Doing Her Best, Every Single Day

Today I see a more confident little girl who is doing her best every single day, and I can clearly see how she applies what she had learned from Edublox thus far and it shows in her results.

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Maths Marks Jumped from 1/7 to 3/7, All Other Subjects from 3/7 to 5/7

When she started her classes her mathematics score for both terms 1 and 2 was 1, so it means she was achieving between 0-29%. To my surprise I collected her progress report yesterday, 2019/10/09. Her mathematics mark has jumped to the rating of 3, and all her other subjects from 3 to 5.

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Hanro se Lees Verbeter van 4/7 na 7/7

Dit is vir my as ouer amazing om te sien hoe ongelooflik baie hy verbeter het in net 3 maande! Hy lees vir sy kleiner boetie stories, skryf vir my en pappa briefies en op sy rapport het hy van ʼn 4 die vorige kwartaal gevorder na ʼn 7!

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Lene se Gemiddeld Styg van 76% tot 87%!

Ek wil net graag met Edublox my absolute verbasing en trots as mamma deel. Ons het gister haar derde kwartaal rapport gekry en haar gemiddeld het met 11% gestyg vanaf kwartaal 1, dis tans 87%.

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Verbetering in Skoolpunte ‘n Bewys van Sukses

Vandat sy met Edublox begin het in April, was daar 'n geleidelike styging in haar punte in kwartaal 2. Dit is egter kwartaal 3 se punte wat die bewys van sukses is...

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Confident That My Son Will Achieve Greatness

I am so glad that I took your advice and kept on believing with all of you that Samuel will achieve greatness and this was the case when he received an outstanding report from the Brainline June Assessment 2019.

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Watch! Overcoming Dyslexia – Maddie’s Diary

Professionals predicted that Maddie would never read. People who have evaluated her have said they have never seen dyslexia as severe as this before, and that her parents should try to find things that Maddie can be successful with outside of academics, because she will never be successful in academics...

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