



He Smiles Daily. He Laughs Often. He Is a New Child

Kenna, USA: In Algebra he learns a new concept daily on his own and does his assignment on his own in a very timely manner. He rarely makes a mistake. His writing and spelling has also improved greatly... People ask me if I will put him back on medication when he goes back to public school and I can happily say “No, he does not need it.” John now speaks very fluently. He smiles daily. He laughs often. He is a new child. Audiblox has given him a life.

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No Signs of ADD

Kenna, USA: Although I have not had him tested I am sure his reading is on grade level. He is also doing very well in math. He now writes complete sentences with spaces between words and most of his words are spelled correctly. I no longer see any signs of ADD in this child. He is ready to go back to public school next year and I am confident that he will do well.

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A Much More Cooperative Child to Work With

Laura Shackelford, USA: In January the teachers started to ask me what I was doing to improve his behavior and his pre-writing and pre-reading skills. They said they noticed a slight improvement in his skills and a much more cooperative child to work with.

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Reading Up by 2 Years in Less than 6 Months

Jenny, UK: He finished the school year on a real high, his reading age went up by 2 years in less than 6 months and he is now making far fewer mistakes and is also self correcting himself when it doesn’t make sense, his spelling age improved as well and he also did really well in the end of year exams with his best results in most subjects.

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No Longer Guessing. He Is Now Reading

Dusty, NC, USA: Greylan has always been a guesser. He will guess 20 words when trying to read one. Of course, he will get the word "right." One of his guesses will be correct but this is not reading. He is now reading these words. I could go on and on but just let me say that I have seen more progress with 65 hours of Audiblox than I saw in 3 years of twice weekly tutoring sessions with Greylan.

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Case Study: Beating Severe Reading and Learning Disabilities

The teachers were very excited about the “new” Ettienne! His school report at the end of the school year was more than adequate compensation for all the hard work — not only did Ettienne pass, he also received a very good mark for reading and received a bronze merit award for school achievement. The comment on his report speaks for itself: A VERY MOTIVATED READER!

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A Huge Leap in a Short Time

Connie, USA: I had tested Dan’s spelling at the beginning of the school year and he scored at the beginning of third grade. I retested him last week and he scored at the end of third grade/beginning of fourth grade. That is a huge leap for such a short time. Lately, Daniel has been spontaneously spelling words and asking for confirmation that his spelling is correct.

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Memory Improved Drastically; Mathematical Ability Forged Ahead

His memory has improved drastically and his mathematical ability really forged ahead to the stage where he is compatible with Grade 3 standards set. His mathematical reasoning has also improved faster than we could ever have hoped for. He now fully understands the mathematical thought process and reasoning.

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She Suddenly Took Off!

Becky R, USA: I stopped all other academics for those months and just did Audiblox. One day, I hear my daughter in her room, and realize she is reading a book to herself. Even though we weren't working on that area, she suddenly took off! She now picks up books all the time and reads them, and reads all the signs she sees on the roads, etc.

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A Complete About-Turn

At the parents’ evening after the holidays Arno had been on Audiblox for about four weeks. His teacher wanted to know what had happened to him, because he had made a complete about-turn. His reading and writing was already better and he had started to take part in group-discussions in class — a thing he would never have done before.

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