
Word Ladders: Solve the Puzzle Step by Step

Word ladderThe challenge of Word Ladders is to transform one word into another by changing one letter to make a new valid word at each step. For example, in four steps, change the word name to tank. The answer will be: name > same > sane > sank > tank


Now try the following…

1. In 3 steps, change dog into pit
2. In 3 steps, change cat into dog
3. In 3 steps, change run into mat
4. In 3 steps, change big into sad
5. In 3 steps, change poor into good
6. In 3 steps, change sit into rut
7. In 3 steps, change hate into love
8. In 4 steps, change warm into cold
9. In 4 steps, change fold into soul
10. In 4 steps, change give into take
11. In 4 steps, change pine into rose
12. In 4 steps, change tame into wild
13. In 5 steps, change book into read
14. In 5 steps, change good into best
15. In 5 steps, change lost into find



1. dog > dot > pot > pit
2. cat > cot > cog > dog
3. run > ran > man > mat
4. big > bag > sag > sad
5. poor > moor > mood > good
6. sit > sat > rat > rut
7. hate > have > hove > love
8. warm > ward > card > cord > cold
9. fold > food > fool > foul > soul
10. give > live > like > lake > take
11. pine > dine > done > dose > rose
12. tame > time > tile > wile > wild
13. book > rook > room > roam > ream > read
14. good > goad > goat > boat > beat > best
15. lost > loot > foot > food > fond > find

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