
Our Mission and Values


Edublox bridges the gap between learning needs and academic success through integrative cognitive, literacy and numeracy skills development, giving hope and peace of mind to families. 

Key values 

  • Developing learners to achieve results — improvement in school performance, self-image and creating a basis for lifelong learning.
  • Quality and compassionate customer service.  
  • Providing safe, challenging and fun learning experiences.  
  • Edublox people are exceptionally proud of the wonderful achievements of our learners, but remain humble and view the opportunity to develop learners as an honour and privilege.

Quality educational support  

The quality of service is essential to us. We maintain quality learning through regular video recordings of lessons allowing us to constantly provide feedback to our tutors on their performance. All programmes are standardised and monitored nationally, ensuring governance guidelines are followed.  

Edublox offers a verified educational program based on scientific studies and documented case studies. 

  • Scientifically verified increase up to 11 IQ points after 27.5 hours of brain training. 
  • Scientifically verified increase in visual memory of 1.3 years after 22.5 hours of brain training. 
  • In the United States, a research project with 67 learners reported an average of 50% increase in processing speed. 
  • Research conducted in Singapore showed a statistically significant improvement in focused attention over a period of five days (18 hours of Edublox training). 
  • Research in conjunction with UP (2020): 
    • Indicates a significant improvement in processing speed. 
    • Proves the correlation between the cognitive skills as developed by Edublox and academic performance. 
  • More than 750 documented case studies.

Edublox has proudly been in operation for more than 40 years. We continuously develop our product and service offerings, including making online products available globally. 

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