

Learning staircaseAlthough there are several learning principles that are of importance, one fundamental principle is that human learning does not take place on a single level, but is a step-by-step process.

This characteristic is globally accepted as an educational principle. The way in which the school system throughout the whole world is organised is an acknowledgement of this. One cannot send a child to university first. He must start in the first class and then progress year after year to the higher levels of education. Unless he has mastered a sufficient amount of the knowledge to form a firm enough base on which to build the knowledge of the following year, he will not make progress in the next class.

Another simple and practical example is the fact that one has to learn to count before it becomes possible to learn to add and subtract. Suppose one tried to teach a child who had not yet learnt to count, to add and subtract. This would be quite impossible, hence no amount of effort would ever succeed in teaching the child to add and subtract. This shows that counting is a skill that must be mastered before it becomes possible to learn to do calculations.

This means that there is a protocol that is to be observed in teaching. Certain things have to be taught first, before it becomes possible to teach other things.

The main objective at Edublox is to develop and practise the skills that underlie reading, spelling, writing, mathematics and learning as such. Skills include, but are not limited to:

  • Attention and concentration;
  • Perception — visual, auditory and haptic;
  • The ability to discriminate, synthesise and analyse in terms of foreground-background, form, size, position in space and colour;
  • Processing speed;
  • Phonemic awareness;
  • Visual, auditory, sequential, iconic, short-term, long-term and working memory.
  • The ability to decode, integrate and classify information.

By storing these foundational skills in the subconscious mind they become automatic. At the same time learners are given opportunities to apply these foundational skills in practice. The outcome is: improved reading, learning and mathematical ability, which leads to improved academic performance, simultaneously building the learner’s self-image and improving his self-image. We thus create a basis for lifelong learning.

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