



En So Het Die Wonderwerk Gebeur…

Xander is elke jaar deurgesit na die volgende graad met talle motiverings van terapeute. Graad 4 was dus ‘n groot kopseer wat voorgelê het, maar nog steeds het ek geglo dat Xander eendag sal presteer… en so het die wonderwerk gebeur. Die eerste kwartaal van graad 4 was ‘n nagmerrie. Xander het die kwartaal gedruip, omtrent al sy vakke en wiskunde met 16%... Die tweede kwartaal het Xander die kwartaal geslaag met ‘n gemiddeld van ± 65%. Al sy vakke het wonderbaarlik verbeter. Die derde kwartaal het hy weer geslaag!

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8th Place in the ‘Top Ten’ of his Grade!

Liam has shown gradual improvement in spelling over the past 18 months. He now regularly achieves 80% or higher for spelling tests. Liam achieved 8th place in the 'Top Ten' of his grade in the third term this year. This is something he never dreamed possible. He was over the moon.

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Giving Ciara a Chance in Mainstream

I wrestled with my decision during the Christmas holidays last year, knowing that Ciara was enjoying EDUBLOX and that she and the teachers were working very hard at improving her reading, memory and retention abilities. Based on this I changed my mind on the first day of school this year and decided that she be given a chance in mainstream Grade 4, with a view to reversing the decision should she not cope. READ THE RESULTS....

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Turnaround Has Been Unbelievable

Shane’s reading has improved immensely. He understands mathematical concepts so much better. He is much quicker at working through sums and problems... The turnaround since he started this year has been unbelievable. Shane has worked very hard and is reaping the benefits. Thanks a lot to your awesome program.

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Joy’s Reading Improves, Helping Her Excel in Maths and Later All Subjects

Joy managed to get the certificate for improvement and a certificate for Maths. Since she started improving in reading it became easy for her to understand problem solving in Mathematics. Her awards motivated Joy to work very hard and then she excelled in all the subjects.

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Improved Attention Span, Concentration, Listening Skills and More

Samuel's attention span and concentration have improved a lot, which has enhanced his listening skills. He now demonstrates good visual and auditory memory and good judgement. He has also gained on his reading and writing skills. His visual motor coordination has improved as well.

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Konsentrasie, Lees en Self-vertroue Verbeter

Ons was voortdurend op hoogte gehou van Wian se vordering. Edublox het Wian gehelp met sy konsentrasie; sy lees het verbeter en in geheel het Edublox gehelp om Wian meer selfvertroue te gee.

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From Hating School to Absolutely Loving It

Edublox has helped Sabrina from failing hopelessly and hating school, to being one of the top students in her class and absolutely loving school and looking forward to every next day... This program is a process which helps with progress and is not an overnight miracle pill, but hard work between child and the educators and in a few short months you will be surprised with your child progress.

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Lees, Werkspoed en Konsentrasie Verbeter

Michelle het in die begin geklank as sy eintlik die woord moet lees. Sy lees ‘n gedeelte, dan stop sy by ‘n woord om dit te klank. As sy klaar die woord geklank het, het sy vergeet hoe die sin begin het. Nou lees sy meer en met Edublox se hulp is die klankery baie minder en lees sy met meer gevoel... Haar vermoë om vinniger te werk het ook verbeter... Haar konsentrasie word nie meer so baie afgetrek nie.

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Van Geen 7’s tot Vier 7’s Op Sy Rapport

Hy het ons verstom deur van geen 7’s op sy kwartaal 2-rapport na ‘n uitstekende vier 7’s te spring in kwartaal 3. Laas kwartaal het hy onder andere ‘n 3 gehad vir handskrif maar tans is daar nie ‘n enkele 3 op sy rapport nie.

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