



From 33 Words per Minute to 94!

Hayden’s reading speed was 33 words per minute when he started at Edublox in March 2016. Eighteen months later he is reading 94 words per minute. His spelling has improved from an average of 70% to a consistent average of between 90% – 100% in spelling tests

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Something that Money Can’t Buy: The Feeling of Success

Damian went from failing each term and his grade to achieving 80%+ in most of his spelling tests, a silver certificate for a distinction in maths and being the best reader in his class... Thank you for providing us with something that money can’t really buy: that is the joy in our son's heart and the feeling of success.

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Wondere Verrig vir Lees (Sy Verslind Boek na Boek), Konsentrasievermoë en Selfvertroue

Dit het wondere verrig, nie net vir Quinette se lees- en konsentrasievermoë nie, maar ook vir haar selfvertroue. Skielik het sy lus vir lees en verslind sy boek na boek (en verstaan sy die inhoud). Quinette se geheue het met rasse skrede verbeter... Toe ons Quinette se rapport vir die 3de kwartaal ontvang, was ons aangenaam verras...

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What an Investment I Made in My Child, Taking Her to Edublox!!

We now have more quality time as a family with less stress and a much happier environment, giving Carmen more time for her sporting activities, which she is also excelling in. Gosh, she even has time to play!...

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Van Top-20 na Top-10 in Haar Graad

Wel, Daniella het hierdie jaar elke kwartaal met 5-6% verbeter op haar skool gemiddeld (76; 79; 85). Sy het geskuif van top-20 na top-10 in haar graad. Sy het lief geword vir lees en lees nou meestal sonder om woorde te klank, en lees tot uit haar eie hardop vir haar gr.1 boetie in die aande.

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Reading and Writing Improved Amazingly

I enrolled Ricardo and he started in June with the lessons twice a week; I also had him doing the holiday program in July, and soon we started seeing huge improvements. His reading and writing has improved amazingly.

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An Immediate Change in Confidence

Hannah attends two one and a half hour classes a week. Almost immediately we noticed a change in her confidence. When term 3 started in September her teacher noticed an improvement in Hannah’s confidence levels and an improvement in reading and spelling skills.

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Zaid’s Journey to Success

Zaid has progressed from a learner who would become anxious when having to do tasks he did not understand and found challenging, to a learner who is now eager and enthusiastic about learning. Zaid is able to present English and Afrikaans orals confidently, always having a smile on his face. He needs little to no assistance in mathematics...

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Radio Success Story: Elih’s Road to Recovery (Follow-up Added)

Get the tissues ready before listening to this podcast of Just Plain Drive, Wingz of Change with Darren Scott, Elih's mom and Elih. Elih fell in a pool at the age of 20 months. Listen to the story of his road to recovery, in which Edublox is playing a major part.

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Watch! Learning to Read in 40 Days

We are bursting with excitement to share our new video series, titled ‘On the Road to Reading’. Watch young Zwi’s remarkable progress since joining Edublox for an intensive programme that combines reading lessons and our online program, Edublox Online Tutor.

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