

By Edublox



6 Tips to Help Your Child Read with Comprehension

As a parent, you play a crucial role in helping your child develop strong reading comprehension skills. We share six practical tips to help your child read with comprehension.

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Visual Memory: 3 Important Reasons Why It Matters

Visual memory involves storing and retrieving previously experienced visual sensations and perceptions when the stimuli that originally evoked them are no longer present. Various researchers have stated that as much as eighty percent of all learning takes place through the eye, with visual memory existing as a crucial aspect of learning.

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Leer Afrikaans: Intensiewe Vorme

Intensiewe vorme is byvoeglike naamwoorde in die versterkende graad en word dus gebruik om 'n byvoeglike naamwoord te versterk. 'n Voorbeeld hiervan is brandarm, wat baie arm beteken.

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5 Ways to Help Your Child Find a Love for Maths

A wonderful way for children to start understanding the working behind maths is to bring it into real life. Here are a few activities you could introduce at home to promote mathematical thinking and understanding.

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Understanding Reading Problems in Children

How does one identify a reading problem? How many children have reading problems? What causes reading problems? You say poor cognitive skills are responsible for reading problems. What cognitive skills are you referring to? My child reads well yet lacks comprehension. Why? What can parents do to help their children? How can Edublox help?

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Beyond Learning Styles – Strengthening Learning Weaknesses

You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again… there are three basic learning styles: Visual learners learn best by seeing information (graphs, maps, and pictures), auditory learners learn best by hearing (speeches, lectures, recordings) and kinaesthetic learners learn by doing (or touching, or manipulating materials).

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Brain Teasers: Count the Squares and Triangles

A brain teaser is a type of riddle that makes one think outside the box. Some brain teasers are easy, some are a little harder, and some can make you ponder for a while. When you finally hear the answer, you often feel ignorant or silly because it should have been obvious to you. However, brain teasers are fun for young and old.

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What to Do When You Can’t Remember

What do you do when you can’t remember a word? It’s right on the tip of your tongue but you can’t quite recall it no matter how hard you try. This can be a frustrating experience for anyone, particularly if you’re talking to someone important and need to convey important information.

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Dyslexia: Symptoms, Signs, Causes and a Solution

What is dyslexia? What are the symptoms and signs of this learning disorder? What are the causes, and is there a solution? Edublox investigates.

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Disleksie: Kenmerke, Tipes, Oorsake en Hulp

Wat is disleksie? Is omkerings die enigste kenmerk van disleksie? Hoe lyk disleksie? Hoeveel mense het disleksie? Wat is die emosionele impak van disleksie? Is disleksie ongeneeslik? Wat veroorsaak disleksie? Is disleksie dan nie oorerflik nie? Het Einstein disleksie gehad?

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