Cognitive Functioning Determines Success on Social, Educational, Economic and Marital Front
Cognitive functions are mental processes that help us gather and process information and encompass functions such as focused and divided attention, visual and spatial processing, visual and auditory short-term and long-term memory, reasoning, and language and reading skills. Research has demonstrated a link between cognitive functioning and social functioning, educational performance, economic status, and commitment to marriage.
Read MoreGratis Afrikaanse Begripstoetse vir Laerskool-leerders
Leerders sukkel dikwels om begripstoetse te beantwoord omdat hulle nie genoeg woordeskat het om die konteks te verstaan nie. Hulle mag ook sukkel as gevolg van 'n leesprobleem, sowel as 'n swak werkende geheue of 'n probleem met logiese denke. 'n Gebrek aan oefening kan natuurlik ook lei tot of bydra tot lae punte.
Read MoreThe Right to Writing
The benefits of being literate transcend individuals, families, communities, and nations. Literacy should be a right and not a privilege, which is why we decided to focus on the "right to write" this month. We have put together a few exercises and tools that you can introduce at home to assist your child in those early steps into their educational career.
Read MoreDyscalculia Treatment and Intervention
Compared to other learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia has received little attention, and the general public’s familiarity with it as a problem is relatively low.
Read MoreArrows Exercise with a Twist
This exercise consists of four levels and develops a variety of skills such as directionality, sequencing and divided attention. Divided attention is a higher-level skill where you have to perform two (or more) tasks at the same time, and attention is required for the performance of both (or all) the tasks.
Read MoreLeer Afrikaans: Homofone
Homofone is woorde wat van mekaar verskil wat die spelling en betekenis betref, maar dieselfde klink as ’n ander woord. Byvoorbeeld, fee verwys na 'n sprokiesfiguur, terwyl vee 'n versamelnaam vir skape en beeste is, maar ook 'n werkwoord kan wees.
Read MoreSewe Tipes Geheue Is Onontbeerlik in die Leesproses
Die mens se vermoë om te kan onthou, of uit die geheue te herroep, maak leer moontlik. Alhoewel die woord ‘geheue’ ’n “alles-of-niks”-proses veronderstel, is dit duidelik dat daar verskillende tipes geheue is, elk tot ’n mate onafhanklik van die ander. Sewe tipes geheue speel 'n onontbeerlike rol in die leesproses.
Read MoreEdublox Annual Client Survey Results 2022
Edublox has conducted an annual online client survey for more than ten years. The survey enables us to evaluate our company's success and the efficacy and outcomes of our educational initiatives.
Read MoreEdublox Explained in a Nutshell
Learning is like building a house. The first step is to lay a foundation. Unless there is a strong and solid foundation, cracks will soon appear in the walls, and with no foundation, the walls will collapse. In the same way one needs to lay a proper foundation before it becomes possible for a child to benefit from a course in reading, writing and arithmetic...
Read MoreBecoming a Successful Business Owner in South Africa: A Franchise Case Study
Being a business owner in South Africa posed different challenges from those she imagined whilst working with children in the UK
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