Webinaar: Om Kinders te Leer Lees IS Vuurpylwetenskap
Die Afrikaanse Grondslagfasevereniging het, in samewerking met Edublox, op Donderdag, 23 April 2020 'n webinaar aangebied vir grondslagfase juffrouens. Die onderwerp was die leerbeginsels wat leer lees onderlê, en 'n leesprogram is voorgestel wat nie net op van hierdie beginsels gebaseer is nie, maar ook belyn is met die KABV (CAPS) se vereistes.
Read MoreLearning Difficulties Due to Poor Connectivity, not Specific Brain Regions
Different learning difficulties do not correspond to specific regions of the brain, as previously thought, say researchers at the University of Cambridge. Instead, poor connectivity between 'hubs' within the brain is much more strongly related to children's difficulties.
Read More87% of Grade 4 and 78% of Grade 5 Learners At Risk of Not Learning to Read
Although no academic skill is more vital than the ability to read, the reality is that many children battle to learn to read, and some never succeed. Judging by the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) results, South African children are especially affected.
Read MoreEdublox Annual Client Survey Results 2019
For the last nine years, Edublox has conducted an annual online client survey to help us measure our performance as a business and the quality and results of our educational programmes. One of the key questions that we ask each year is whether a child’s academic performance improved at school...
Read MoreEdublox Maak Lees en Leer Maklik!
Het jou kind die vermoë om akademies uit te blink, maar bereik steeds nie hul volle potensiaal nie? Lees hulle stadig en hakkelrig, of sukkel hulle om te verstaan wat hul lees? Sukkel hulle om tussen b en d te onderskei?
Read MoreEdublox Helps Pave the Way to Monnapule’s Future Success
Monnapule Jansen is the beneficiary of a medical intervention through Cricket South Africa’s Player Performance Plan, where the 13-year-old received funding for a life-changing ear operation earlier this year. Today, the talented all-rounder has a degree of improved hearing and is now receiving an educational intervention at Edublox Kimberley.
Read MoreLogiese Denke Oefening (Antwoorde Ingesluit)
Die verband tussen logiese denke en lees is lank reeds in die literatuur bevestig. Daar word gesê “daar is nie lees sonder redeneer nie” en daar word selfs gesê “lees is redeneer”. Behalwe dat logiese denke belangrik is vir leesbegrip bestaan duidelike bewys daarvoor dat spesifieke opleiding in logiese denke mense “slimmer” maak.
Read MoreWays to Treat and Beat ADHD
Does your child have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Thousands of children are diagnosed every year and with this diagnosis comes a tough decision for parents to consider the right avenue of treatment.
Read MoreLeer Afrikaans: Vergelykings
'n Vergelyking is 'n vorm van beeldspraak wat die eksplisiete ooreenkoms tussen die onderwerp en iets totaal anders noem. Dit word gevorm met die woord "soos" of "as".
Read MoreEdublox Strengthens Relationship with Professional Minds Through Sponsorships
In 2019, Edublox sponsored a series of conferences organised by Professional Minds, an organisation that is dedicated to enabling Allied HealthCare Practitioners and parents keep abreast of world trends and standards around paediatric and learning-related topics.
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